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The German School of Dallas 

moved to a new location:

Walnut Hill UMC
10066 Marsh Ln
Dallas, TX 75229

use EAST entrance!​


All classes are held in person at Walnut Hill UMC

Saturdays 9:30AM - 12PM​

in small groups (less than 10 students per class)


  • Vorschule / Pre K

  • Kindergarten

  • Beginner Kinder

  • Kinder/ Youth Intermediate (A1, A2)

  • Youth Advanced (DSD I, DSD II)




  • Beginner

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced

Enjoy German classes in small group settings with native speakers. Adult classes offered in person at Walnut Hill UMC Saturday mornings and afternoons OR via Zoom, times vary (see registration form)

Smiling Teacher

Levels of proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Languages (CEFR)



Can understand and form basic sentences, express needs of a concrete type, ask and answer questions about personal details.


Can communicate in simple and routine situations and exchange information on familiar matters.


Corresponds to Level B1 of the CEFR. Provides proof of German language proficiency required for admission to preparatory courses at “Studienkollegien” in Germany. Provides advantages when applying to study in Germany.


Corresponds to Level B2 and C1 of CEFR. Provides proof of German language proficiency required for admission to institutions of higher education in Germany


Calendar Pages
Art Class

Register for Classes

Please, fill out the form, print/save it and send it to


The German School of Dallas,

P.O. Box 793388, Dallas, Texas 75379


About Us

The German School of Dallas offers German language classes every Saturday for children ages three and up, teenagers, and adults.  Our native German teachers develop our students’ ability to read, write, understand and converse in German and, in addition, offer a broad understanding of the history and culture of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


Classes meet Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM


Walnut Hill Church a Ministry of

Lovers Lane United Methodist Church

10066 Marsh Ln, Dallas, TX 75229.

We also offer classes over Zoom.


The German School of Dallas is supported by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen, ZfA) (

In cooperation with the ZfA, we prepare our children and teenagers to take Level Exams A1 and A2 and the German Language Diploma One and Two (Deutsches Sprachdiplom, DSD I and DSD II). In addition, as members of the American Association of Teachers of German, we also administer the AATG exams level 1 to 4. More information about language levels and exams offered at our school is available



For adults, we offer beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.  Each teacher will accommodate the needs of the students on an individual basis and prepare the curriculum accordingly.


 Thank you for your interest in The German School of Dallas. For any additional inquiries, please contact us at 

or call

Elke Vassen, Principal  (972) 400-1135


You are welcome to visit our school during school hours, advanced notification would be appreciated.  Whether you are brand new to the German language or have had some previous experience, 


Image by Drew Beamer


We are delighted to announce the successful completion of another academic year at our school. In the 2023/24 school year, three students graduated after passing the DSD II exam (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom), while four students successfully completed the DSD I exam (Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom). These exams are highly esteemed and rigorously evaluate reading and listening comprehension, writing, and speaking skills. They are graded by native speakers in Germany and serve as official language certificates recognized by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.


The DSD II certificate is widely accepted in Germany as evidence of language proficiency for university admission, while the DSD I facilitates acceptance into the German Studienkolleg, a preparatory course for university studies in Germany. In addition to these achievements, we are also very proud of our students who participated in the Language Level Tests A1 and A2 (Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeiten - IVA - Auf dem Weg zum DSD). These tests, developed in Germany, assess students' competence in reading, listening, writing, and speaking. We administered the IVA 1 to 8 students and the IVA 2 to 14 of our students.


Furthermore, this year saw a record number of 23 students participating in the AATG National German Exam (American Association of Teachers of German) at various levels, including 4 adult participants. These tests focus on reading and listening comprehension. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our students, their parents, and our dedicated teachers for their outstanding accomplishments.

Image by Drew Beamer

In Memory of Gisela DeMarco
1927 - 2023


In respectful memory of our founder, Gisela DeMarco. She died on November 10, 2023, in peace.

* Children were taught German at a nonprofit Saturday School that Gisela founded and oversaw in 1988. Her curriculum gained so much traction that adult learners were also packing the classrooms.

The German School of Dallas was the school's new name in 2013.

Gisela DeMarco received recognition in 2019 for her thirty years of assiduously advancing and instructing German language and culture in the Dallas-Fort Worth region.

One of the greatest honors granted by Germany to a non-citizen in recognition of professional accomplishments and success in promoting German-American ties, the German Friendship Award,

was given to her in recognition of her efforts.

For many years, Gisela presided over the school board as president and director. She had a strong commitment to adult education and was a respected leader, cherished colleague, and experienced mentor.

We are forever grateful for her time and dedication to our school. Gisela’s legacy will live on.

Image by Drew Beamer

In Memory of Petra Terpak
1963 – 2023

Petra Terpak passed away while battling cancer on August 2, 2023.

Petra was not only an excellent teacher, but a true friend to many in our school community.

For many years she served as principal and school board president.

Petra’s skillful leadership and tireless dedication to The German School was unique. She inspired others with her compassion and dedication to her role. She was enthusiastic about organizing events such as St. Martin's, St. Nikolaus, and Christmas.

She has impacted the lives of countless students over the years. Her classes were always in high demand. Her friendly demeanor and gentle personality made every child feels welcome and comfortable in the classroom.

Petra will be sadly missed by the entire school community.

Image by Drew Beamer

In Memory of Sabine Dunn
1965 – 2023

On May 2, 2023, we lost our treasured colleague Sabine Dunn unexpectedly.

She was an esteemed colleague and friend to many of us at the German School. Her open-mindedness, her friendly and helpful demeanor, and her willingness to go the extra mile for all students and the school community at large were well known and appreciated by all of us.

She was an enthusiastic and creative teacher for both children and adults and taught multiple different levels highly effectively. She loved organizing craft workshops for all occasions, especially for St. Martin’s and Christmas. Among her many skills, she was a certified translator and spoke five languages fluently.

She will be dearly missed by the whole school community!

School Supplies


If you would like to donate to the school, please make a check out to

“The German School of Dallas”.

Add a memo if you donate in honor of a special person or a certain cause.


Send check to:

Mailing Address:

The German School of Dallas

P.O. Box 793388

Dallas, Texas 75379


You can donate via Zelle as well. Please use our email address:

for this purpose and add a memo if you donate for a special reason


School Address:

10066 Marsh Ln, Dallas, TX 75229


Mailing Address:

The German School of Dallas

P.O. Box 793388

Dallas, Texas  75379


Elke Vassen, Principal (972)-400-1135

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